Emotionell jävel
Alla människor som jag har någonsin träffat har jag givit en enorm mängd empati och kärlek.
Vad inte alla vet är att min kärlek är oanvändbar. Den borde kastas bort.
if we ever get drunk enough
that your tongue finds its way to my hips
and in the morning, you remind me
that we’re ”just friends”,
i will rise, giving you a
full view of my naked shoulders shrugging
and then kiss you hard enough that my
name permanently stains your lips.
that your tongue finds its way to my hips
and in the morning, you remind me
that we’re ”just friends”,
i will rise, giving you a
full view of my naked shoulders shrugging
and then kiss you hard enough that my
name permanently stains your lips.