get out of the labrynth

1:12 pm, Baguio City, SM shopping center

I just want to get inspired. Inspiration to go wherever I need to go. Not where every young adult should go before they turn thirty, I mean the places where I meet people who change the direction of my supposed current direction. I have no location to go, I meant my internal direction. My inner compass. The thing that points me to whatever and wherever I should go. Recently, my compass told me to come to my homeland. Here I am, nostalgic and emotional, yes, but changed and inspired? Not really. For the first time, I felt no direction. I did not feel I was home in my homeland. I am still looking for my home. I am still looking for inspiration. I am now also looking for direction. It says go to Gothenburg. It says go where you felt something. I felt summer for the first time. I might find home in the warmth there, even when it's just as temperate as "home" but nothing close to my homeland. Gothenburg is warmer than my homeland, as it warms my lungs and soul. It is my warmth. I need to melt the compass before I get lost and stuck here.


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